How to Find Out Why My Domain_6 Account Is Suspended

What you need to do

1. Check your eligibility

You are not able to register or renew .eu domain names if:

  • Your organisation, business or undertaking is established in the UK but not in the EU/European Economic Area (EEA) or

  • You live outside of the EU/EEA and are not an EU/EEA citizen

Read the latest .eu domain names notice from the European Commission.

You can only register or hold .eu domain names if you are:

  • an EU/EEA citizen, independently of where you live

  • not an EU/EEA citizen but resident in the EU/EEA

  • an organisation, business or undertaking that is established in the EU/EEA

If you already have a .eu domain or are considering obtaining one, you should check the eligibility criteria set out in Article 4(2)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 733/2002, as amended by Regulation (EU) 2019/517, and seek legal advice if necessary.

You may still satisfy the eligibility criteria if you have your registered office, central administration, or principal place of business within the EU/EEA, are established within the EU/EEA, or are a natural person resident in the EU/EEA.

The European Commission and EURid have confirmed that EU citizens who are resident in the UK are able to retain their .eu addresses. If you are an EU citizen living in the UK and have registered a .eu domain name, discuss with your registrar whether you will need to provide proof of eligibility.

2. If you don't meet the eligibility criteria

On 1 January 2021, any UK registrant who cannot meet the eligibility criteria will have their .eu domain names suspended. A suspended domain name can no longer support any active services (such as websites or email). However, the domain can still be reinstated, if registration data is updated to meet the eligibility criteria.

Domain names that are not reinstated will remain suspended until 30 June 2021. They will then be withdrawn as from 1 July 2021. On 1 January 2022, all the withdrawn domain names will be revoked. They will then start to be made available for registration by other entities.

Read the latest notice.

If you no longer meet the eligibility criteria

  1. Discuss with your local domain name registrar whether to transfer your internet presence to another top level domain. Examples include .com,, .net or .org. Your registrar will be able to offer advice on how to let your customers know that you're moving or have moved to another domain, such as a holding page to redirect web traffic towards a new domain, or advice on how to update your search engine optimisation.

  2. You may wish to seek advice from your local domain name registrar on whether the terms of your contractual agreement provide for any recourse in the event of withdrawal or revocation of a .eu registration.

  3. Consider developing a migration plan for services and functions that your .eu domain, website or associated email address is linked to or supports, such as:

    - .eu email addresses that access critical business processes, including online banking services, online payment providers, government services like HMRC online, or payment verification systems
    - .eu email addresses that access services that use an email and password for registration, including membership organisations and clubs, social media, and two-factor authentication services
    - .eu email addresses used to communicate with customers, clients, internal communications or to distribute mailing lists
    - .eu websites or email accounts that hold data that you need to transfer before any loss of access
    - Virtual Private Network (VPN) or other services that use your .eu domain name
    - Trademark or intellectual property rights impacted by the loss of your .eu domain name.

This list is not exhaustive, and you may also wish to consider and address any other areas that depend on your .eu domain name.

Registering a new .eu domain name

If you are a UK resident, company or organisation planning to acquire a .eu domain name, check whether you are eligible.

If you've registered Top Level Domains for EU member states

Similar eligibility restrictions may apply to EU Member State Country Code Top Level Domains such as .fr or .it.

You should check with your registrar that you're still eligible to retain the use of that domain.

Further information

The guidance takes into account the latest information published by EURid on 10 February 2021.

Read EURid's notice of 10 February 2021 regarding EU Exit.

Published 31 December 2020
Last updated 16 March 2021 + show all updates

  1. Updated Section 2 and Further Information

  2. First published.

How to Find Out Why My Domain_6 Account Is Suspended


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